Human Relations Area Files Special Offer
Some of our academic library members are current subscribers to the Human Relations Area Files collections at our consortia rate, and others may be interested to learn of this special offer.
HRAF is now offering long-term memberships (for 10 or 20 years) at a discount over current regular associate member dues or current consortium dues on the FTE plan. Long-term members will have full access to added tradition collections, updates for existing tradition document collections, and new software and application upgrades that are part of the core eHRAF Archaeology for the full term of membership.
Yale is offering the following discounts:
- A 10-year membership for 9 years of prepaid dues
- A 20-year membership for 18 years of prepaid dues
If you are interested, OhioNET can put you in touch with the proper contact at Human Relations Area Files, Inc. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.