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New year, new training opportunity: Virtual Workshops

The events of 2020 required a LOT of changes to the way we interact, including the suspension of OhioNET in-person workshops. As we pivoted to online-only training (for now), we started thinking creatively about how to offer a wider variety learning opportunities in this virtual space, knowing that travel budgets and staffing levels may be slow to rebound even after the pandemic. To help us continue to provide high-quality interactive learning options, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new training format — virtual workshops!

These online events will be hosted using the Zoom Meetings platform and will make use of built-in tools like group chat and breakout rooms to facilitate discussion and interaction between participants. Virtual workshops will be designed for real-time attendance and engagement and will provide access to more in-depth, project-driven topics. Only virtual workshop registrants will have access to session recordings — links to these events will not be available in the Training Archive. Space will be limited and registrants should be prepared to complete brief readings and assignments between (or before) workshop meetings.

Just as with OhioNET’s in-person workshops, there will be a fee for both members and non-members to attend virtual workshops. However, we’re offering members an exclusive chance to preview this new training format this spring at no charge. Our first virtual workshop topic will cover the creation of effective and engaging annual reports with additional workshop topics coming soon. Click the title link below for more information and registration options.

Shout it from the Rooftop: Create Engaging Annual Reports Virtual Workshop Series
Workshop meetings: March 31, April 7, April 21 & April 28 from 1-3 p.m. | CEUs: 8
Presenter: Kristin Cole (Otterbein University)


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