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Fundamentals of Cataloging ONLINE: RDA vs AACR2 (Session 3)

  • Cataloging
  • Webinar
  • 2 CE Hours


Series Description:

Create a solid foundation for the year ahead with Fundamentals of Cataloging – our popular online training series. This introductory set of sessions explains basic cataloging concepts and processes for copy catalogers and demonstrates how to describe one of our most trusted resources – books! Each session includes dedicated practice and searching time, brief quizzes, and other learning engagement opportunities. Perfect for anyone who is new to copy cataloging or returning to cataloging responsibilities!

Session Description:

This third session in the Introduction series will focus on discussing the key differences in cataloging vocabulary and workflows brought about by the new cataloging standard – RDA (Resource Description and Access). In this session, attendees will have the opportunity to…

  • discuss the changes RDA has brought to the records we are importing
  • identify RDA and hybrid records in MARC format
  • practice a sample workflow for copy cataloging monograph (book) sources

Who Should Attend

Individuals who are new to cataloging, could use a refresher on the basic concepts of cataloging, or anyone with an interest in the topic.