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Serials Cataloging Returns in April

If you are responsible for managing records for magazines, online journals, or other periodical resources, sign up today for our cataloging webinar series on working with serials. Led by Sarah Schaff (Denison University Library), this three-part series is designed for copy catalogers and covers key concepts and fields to consider when working with serial records for both physical and electronic materials.

Fundamentals of Cataloging: Overview of Serials Cataloging (Session 1)
Tuesday, April 6 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. | CEUs: 2

Fundamentals of Cataloging: MARC for Serials Cataloging (Session 2)
Tuesday, April 13 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. | CEUs: 2

Fundamentals of Cataloging: AACR2 vs RDA for Serials Cataloging (Session 3)
Tuesday, April 20 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. | CEUs: 2

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