New webinars just added – cataloging, copyright & more!
The past few weeks have been busy as we’ve put the final touches on a large batch of new events that will be taking place over the next few months and covering a variety of topic areas. First, for those working in reference, circulation and outreach, check out our freely available session on Northstar Digital Literacy tools that’s happening in a few weeks. We’ll follow that with another free session – this one on Explora and its settings.
For catalogers, we’ve brought back training for folks working with audio-visual materials, starting with an introductory session suitable for any new staff members, followed by a webinar covering key MARC fields for folks who manage and edit catalog records scheduled for early August. Need to create new catalog records from scratch for local or unique items? We’ve got you covered with sessions including suggestions for creating just a few records or options for streamlining larger batches with tools.
Finally, we’re also talking about how to handle copyright questions at your library and suggestions for getting permission to use copyrighted material. Additional details and links to register for all these events, and more, can be found on our Training Page.